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Monday Night Miracle Crusade

Monday Night Miracle Crusade We had our crusade in the open air, in a village called Koyyalagudem. 2000 people attended that night, most of who came from remote jungle villages.

Miracle Life Ministries International sponsored 14 tractor trucks to be sent into the jungle villages of Andra Pradesh, India to attend our 2 day miracle crusades. For two nights, these trucks, along with another seven sponsored by the Indian people, brought villagers to the Charismatic Miracle Crusade in Koyyalagudem. Three types of villages were visited by the evangelistic trucks:

In the first type, the people have no electricity, very little clothing, and no communication with the outside world. They are totally illiterate, and know nothing about Jesus. Half of the trucks sponsored by MLMI went to this type of village.

The second type of village has some radio, electricity, and teaching, but the people are about 80% illiterate. These people also came to Koyyalagudem to hear about Jesus for the very first time. People from the third type of village were literate, with more knowledge and understanding, but they too had never heard of Jesus. About 700 of the people at the crusade were from these three types of villages.

76 salvation decisions were made this first night of the crusade in Koyyalagudem.

Immediately after praise and worship, through the word of knowledge, Apostle Everton called up four cases. The first man to come had lost his ability to produce saliva. He had been suffering with a dry mouth for the past four months. After Apostle Everton ministered to him, he was able to spit on the ground repeatedly. Before he left the stage, Apostle Everton had another word of knowledge that this man was called to preach the gospel. He laid hands on him and prayed over his destiny. The man fell under the power of God, to the amazement and wonder of the village people.

Next, a lady responded to the word that someone had trouble in the ovaries. She said that for two months she had been experiencing pain in this area. After receiving her healing, she too fell under the mighty power of God.

The third word was for someone with appendicitis type pain, and a lady came with pain in her lower abdomen that had been there for two years. She also fell as the power of God flowed through her body.

This lady was healed of deafness before the salvation call. When she physically was able to hear about Jesus, she was very quick to receive Christ.

Finally, before the salvation message about the wonderful blood of Jesus was preached, a man responded to a word that someone was there with scoliosis/curvature of the spine. Actually, he had fallen from a tree four years ago. He was in pain, and as Apostle Everton commanded healing to manifest, the interpreter noticed that the man was wearing a pagan bracelet.

An accident caused this woman to suffer from both a

broken arm and a broken leg. She was in a lot of pain,

but tonight, Jesus set her free!

We prayed for this little girl who

All through the meeting, this blind lady, plucked out of the environment of her village, struggled desperately to orientate herself. Her eyes were covered with a white film, and she cried out in desperation for help, groping and grabbing at Apostle Everton?s feet as he ministered to others.

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