Apostle Everton Weekes
Biography Apostle Dr Everton Weekes
Apostle Dr. Everton Weekes is respected internationally as a Pastor, Counsellor, Speaker, Author, and Success and Healing Coach. He specializes in helping people to win in life and overcome mental blockages, that have held them in captivity. He is the co-founder and Senior Pastor of the Living Faith Miracle Centers in Kelowna and Vernon, B.C. He is also the president of Miracle Life Ministries International and currently presides over the rapidly growing School of the Supernatural. In 2011, he became the founder of Weekes Enterprise, a company that specializes in consulting and content creation. He has written 4 books and created over 8 online life-changing courses.
This powerfully anointed, and beloved man of God was born in the Caribbean, on a tiny island called St. Kitts. The village where he grew up in was filled with poverty, crime, drugs, and violence. Life as a child was quite hopeless and difficult for the young Everton. Through a marvelous act of God in 1990, he came to Canada, where he had an encounter with Jesus. Since that glorious day, he has continually enjoyed the flow of the miraculous in his life.
After graduating from Christ for the Nations and Life Bible College, Mr. Weekes came under the mentorship and leadership of Apostle Dr. Charles Ndifon and was ordained as an Apostle by Christ Love Ministries International. In 2012, he received the Pioneering Spirit Award, and in 2016 he received the Global Impact Award. In 2022, he was awarded an honorary Doctorate in philosophy and Christian counseling, from Legacy University and Theological Seminary.
The call of God and the mandate on Dr. Everton Weekes’ life has provoked him to travel to 20 nations as a healing evangelist, teacher, and church planter. Thousands of people have come into their victory and purpose in Christ through his ministry. He holds cutting-edge teaching seminars and miracle crusades all over the world, and wherever he goes, the Gospel is demonstrated with undeniable miracles, signs and wonders.
Our mission is souls, and our vision is the world!
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18

Pastor Tracy Weekes
Pastor Tracy Weekes and her husband Apostle Everton Weekes are co-founders of Miracle Life Ministries International, and the Senior Pastors of the Living Faith Churches.
Tracy is a worshipper at heart and is best known for her ability to lead people into the fullness of intimate worship, where they can encounter God’s awesome presence and his healing touch. She is also a woman of faith and might, who teaches the gospel with miracles, signs and wonders following. Her deep desire is to give God glory by being his instrument in transforming the lives of hurting people.
God has given Pastor Tracy and her husband a mandate to win the lost, plant churches, establish training centers, and to raise up and equip break through believers to do the work of Christ. As the overseer of Women of Destiny, a ministry designed to encourage all women to fulfill their destiny in Christ, Tracy uplifts and effectively mentors women from all walks of life.