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The Power of Faith for a Job

“A young woman asked God for a job at a specific location. As she is not from Canada, people told her that could be difficult. Nevertheless, she chose to believe the word of the Lord. She got exactly what she wanted!”

​“Pay Attention to this power packed story of this young lady’s faith. Take a hold of what she took a hold of and do the same for whatever situation that you may face. Trecel, like many people was in need of a job for the summer. But she, unlike many people took that situation to the Lord and released her faith and was very specific with her request to the Lord and she said, “Lord I want a job at Future-shop” because they are about technology and she likes technology. She remember when Pastor preached about the power of thoughts and the mind.

​Trecel started to pray and she started to give thanks to the Lord Almighty for her job at Future Shop. Not only that but she started to visit Future Shop and walk around and get familiar with the store and with the staff. She was preparing herself for working there; she was even picturing herself in the store uniform and thought that the shirt would look good on her and even guessed what size she would take. Pastor said that your thoughts are powerful, and she believed it!

​Even though Trecel first came to this country, people had told her that it was hard to get a job and that it depended on who you knew. But she remembered Pastors story when he first came to Canada, and he said ‘whose report will you believe? People’s report or the Lord’s report?’ And Trecel said, ‘I will believe the report of the Lord.’ She then would get up in the morning and declare, ‘I shall have that job at Future Shop!’ Things first happen in the spiritual realm, and she knew that she needed to declare it first in the spiritual realm before it happened. So she declared it every day, “I shall believe the report of the Lord; I shall be working at Future Shop.’

​The she remember Pastor talking about the scripture; first you plant, then you water, then God gives the increase. So she planted the seed by praying, she watered the seed by asking for others to join with her in prayer being her sister, people back home and to her Pastor at Miracle Night at Church. She came to the altar and again was very specific that she needed a job and that this job was at Future Shop. She had it in her mind that God would bring the increase because if He said it in His Word then it must come to pass.

The prayer of agreement sealed the deal! That very week she received news the job at Future Shop was hers. Praise the Lord!”

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Apostle Everton


MLMI – Miracle Life Ministries International

Miracle Life Ministries International (MLMI) of Kelowna, B.C. Canada, was birthed by Apostle Everton and Pastor Tracy Weekes. Our passion is to see the nations of the world come to know, honor and worship Jesus, the King of kings. The indescribable price that he paid for lost humanity is what continually motivates us to go and preach the Gospel where it has never been heard before.

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