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Healed from Migraine Headaches

“Beginning in my early years, I suffered from severe migraine headaches. They began to happen almost daily. The migraines affected my body so that I experienced visual distortions, numbness of my face and hands, and vomiting and dry-heaving, eventually leading to blackouts. I would have excruciating pain in my head that would last up to twelve hours at a time. During these attacks, I could not eat or sleep, leaving me physically weak. Due to the intense pressure and pain in my head, I began to entertain discouraging thoughts which suggested that brain damage might be occurring. I enrolled in the School of the Supernatural. One day, Apostle Everton was speaking on how, “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” (1 John 1:5). Verse seven of that same chapter says, “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleans thus from all sin.” I took that Word with me, and I searched for all the Scriptures I could find on the light and the blood of Jesus. By exposure to the preached Word of God, I gained revelation knowledge, and through meditation on the written Scriptures, the virtue of God healed me. I saw myself as one with God, and every form of darkness left. I have not had another migraine since. Today, I am happily married, expecting my first child, and serve as one of the worship leaders at Living Faith.” C.W.

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Apostle Everton


MLMI – Miracle Life Ministries International

Miracle Life Ministries International (MLMI) of Kelowna, B.C. Canada, was birthed by Apostle Everton and Pastor Tracy Weekes. Our passion is to see the nations of the world come to know, honor and worship Jesus, the King of kings. The indescribable price that he paid for lost humanity is what continually motivates us to go and preach the Gospel where it has never been heard before.

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